Friends of Hagg Wood                    

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To increase the understanding and enhance the appreciation of this local amenity, the Committee of the Friends of Hagg Wood (FHW) has taken the opportunity to produce a new edition of our booklet Hagg Wood – Past, Present and Future, with the support of a Local Heritage initiative grant . It provides an initial outline of the history and ecology of the wood, and includes a brief description of how the FHW association was formed as well as an account of  past events and activities.

This booklet contains 44 pages and updates our earlier edition that we produced in 2002, It contains completely new contributions by the eminent landscape historian, Stephen Moorhouse, on the nearby medieval village of Scoreby and its relationship to Hagg Wood, and by local ecologist, Barry Wright, on the history and natural history of local hedgerows close to Hagg Wood.

All new members will receive a free copy of the booklet.